Project News

Below are list of Reading Between the Lines (RBTL) project updates. These are in chronological order, with the most recent at the top. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Alder Hey Hospital Visit

The RBTL team, members of UCLan’s Perception, Cognition, and Neuroscience research group, and visiting Professor Monica Castelhano, visited Alder Hey children’s hospital on 9th May. This meeting was an opportunity for Alder Hey staff and researchers to network and begin exploring how we can work together towards shared goals. We gave a series of talks about our research and provided eye tracking demonstrations in the UCLan mobile research unit. People who attended included members of the autism team, ophthalmologist’s, and research staff.


Project Photoshoot in Bristol

Christy Dunn from Wavelength Studios came to the School of Education on 11th April 2024, to take photographs of our labs, equipment, and Bristol based team. These images will be used for project marketing and to help people who are interested in taking part, visualise what the experience will be like.


Centre for Psychological Approaches to Studying Education Seminar

Nick Martin gave a talk to members of the Centre for Psychological Approaches to Studying Education. This was attended by a range of people, including academic staff and research students from the School of Education and the School of Psychological Sciences. Nick introduced the Reading Between the Lines Project aims, motivations, methods, and plan.


Team Meeting in Bristol

On Tuesday 6th February 2024, the core team; Philippa, Simon, Valerie, and Nick, met in person at the School of Education in Bristol. This was a productive day discussing the overall project plan, timeline, and dissemination strategies.


Dr Nick Martin joins the Team!

Nick Martin joined the Reading Between the Lines team as a Senior Research Associate on 3rd January 2024. He will be working full time on this project, at the School of Education in Bristol. Nick will be initially focusing on getting the first phase of the project set up and running.